Weight Watchers Plan

Weight Loss Program Review

Weight Watchers Plan has changed! That's right, with 2011 comes the new points plus system.

Weight Watchers still remains this sites number one pick for the best weight loss program.  

Saying one weight loss program is the best weight loss plan over another program can be a difficult task.  

Rating is all relative to the person, in this case me, that is conducting the review and applying the ratings.  

It is often a fine line between the best and the second best when comparing certain items, like weight loss programs.  

However, with the success that this program has shown, it was a bit easier to deem this the best weight loss plan.


The Weight Watchers Plan is still one of the most popular programs with a proven track record of success.  

They have been in existence for over 40 years and have helped hundreds and thousands of people reach their weight loss goals.  

The Weight Watcher's program is not geared around a "strict diet", but rather will teach you how to eat for life.  

The program consists of healthy meal plans, exercise, both online and onsite support and weight loss tools.

Read the complete weight loss reviews below to see what they offer.


The points for Weight Watchers Plan has become a household name for many and is recognized by most everyone. The points system, first introduced with the flex plan, has been in existence for many years.

woman eating saladMany of you were familair with the points system. You knew how to calculate the points values for the foods and how to determine your daily and weekly allowance points.

Well, new to Americans this year is the new points plus system. While this system was introduced prior to 2011 in other countries, for those of us in the states we are just now learning all about it.

With the new points plus system comes a whole new way to think about food and losing weight.

Points are assigned to food based on certain nutritional information. As with the old points system, this concept still applies to the new points plus.

However, certain foods on the new Weight Watchers Plan will now have a higher value than other (healthier) choices. This new method makes us think twice about using up points for a cookie versus having a lighter healthier snack.

With the online etools, or by purchasing a Weight Watchers points calculator at your meeting, you can quickly learn what foods will be what points value.

If you want to learn more about how this is calculated and what is new, check out this article on points plus and the changes.

Prior to the points plus system members were either following the Flex Plan or the Core Plan. Below is an overview of these systems.

Flex Plan

The flex plan uses a points system.  Each food item you eat has a points value that is calculated using the calories, fat and fiber to determine the points value. 

The points you are allowed are based on height, weight and gender.  You have daily points as well as weekly points allowance for those special occasions.

Weight Watchers provides tools to help calculate the points values. Additionally, their online recipes shows the points value.
Core Plan

With the core plan, there is no counting calories or points.  The core plan is based on a specific food list. 

The foods on this list are low in energy density, meaning they have fewer calories per ounce but at the same time will make you feel more satisfied and full. 

You can mix and match the food items on the Core Plan food list.  Similar to the Flex plan, with the core plan you also have a weekly allowance so you can eat foods not on the core list.


Exercise is one of the “Four Pillars” of the Weight Watchers Plan.  The “four pillars” are; behavior, support, exercise and food.  These are the 4 key components to a successful weight loss program.

With the Weight Watchers onsite meetings, discussions include all these four components, so you will be hearing from others and your leader on the importance of exercise. 

With the Weight Watchers online, they have exercise video demonstrations for all levels. 

In fact, you can view some of these videos for free on their site.  You can log your exercise and see how it figures into your daily points.


Weight Watchers support system is by far the best of any weight loss program.  This is one of the key reasons this site has rated the Weight Watchers plan as number one.  

Their onsite meetings are a perfect way to meet and find people that share similar struggles with weight loss. 

The meetings are run by trained leaders who themselves lost their weight with joining weight watchers meetings. 

In addition to the meetings, you can also sign up for their e-tools.

If you don't have time for on-site meetings or are not comfortable with a meeting, you can join Weight Watchers on-line. With the Weight Watchers online, you will have access to their e-tools and can record and monitor your success.


The e-tools for the Weight Watchers Plan include daily food tracking, weight loss tracking, exercise videos and recipe finder.  You can also add your own favorite recipes and get the points value for the foods you love.  They also have online support in the form of message boards and success stories.

ww points calculatorFor the men out there, Weight Watchers has a customized “for men only” weight watchers online and e-tools.

If you are a Weight Watchers member attending onsite meetings, they also have available many tools that are either free or can be purchased.

These tools include a points calculator/slider, recipe books and more.


The on-site meeting prices for the Weight Watchers Plan vary based on region/location. To find out prices in your area, click here and then just input your zip code. Just select the Prices and Special offers button next to your preferred meeting location.

To give you an example, meeting prices for my zip code area is $13.00 per week on a pay as you go, 11.41 a week for the 17 week pass (you pre-pay for the full 17 weeks) and only $9.22 average for the monthly pass.

Weight Watchers online costs $17.95 a month with a $29.95 registration fee. If you sign up for the 3 month savings plan, the cost is $65.00 for the 3 months. This equates to just $5.00 a week.

When reviewing Weight Watchers Plan, I found that using their monthly pass is the best bet for your money.  So, If you decide you want to try Weight Watchers meetings and use their e-tools, make sure the check if their "Monthly Pass" is available in your area.
With the Monthly pass, you get free registration, free online tools and unlimited on-site meetings during the month, so if you have a bad day, you can attend an extra meeting. Price per week with a

monthly pass averages about $9.22 week.


In addition to being the best weight loss plan, they also offer many freebies on the site.  These freebies include some sample recipes, fitness and health tips, and success stories. 

There are also a couple of calculators to help you determine your "goal weight" and BMI (Body Mass Index).  You can also join their weekly email newsletter to get more tips and recipes.

The recipes will show the point’s value, servings, prep and cooking times and (for people like me who are not gourmet chefs), the level of difficulty. If you join Weight Watchers, then you will have access to thousands of recipes on their website.


Weight Watchers Plan has all the right components for a successful weight loss program and all the right tools and support to rate as the best weight loss plan. 

Their support system with the onsite meetings and online tools is the best  support system available.  Although Weight Watchers is pricier than some weight loss plans, it is still reasonably priced.

In addition to the Weight Watchers Plan, be sure to read all the weight loss reviews on this site.

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The Biggest Loser Diet


Additional Articles

Daily Allowance Calculation
Ever wonder how they come up with your daily allowance. Check out this article to learn about the formula used behind this calculation.

How to Calculate Food Points Original Method
If you are still following the original Weight Watchers plan, then this is the article for you. You will learn what nutritional values are used to calculate the values for the foods you eat.

Reading Food Labels
Learn how to read the nutritional values on food labels so you can calculate the points correctly.