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Exercise 4 Weight Loss Monthly Ezine January 24, 2012 |
January 2012 Tips and Recipes Out with the Old....In with the New It's a new year and a new beginning. Many resolutions have been made and progress has begun. Now's the time to throw out the old and bring in the new. Old attitudes, old mistakes and old habits....just throw them out and think all new. This month's ezine is all about getting rid of the “old” bad habits and ringing in the new “good” habits. First, a couple of updates. I want to apologize for once again sending this month's ezine so late. I was once again trying to hold off as long as I could in hopes of some good news on the iPhone app. But unfortunately that was not the case. See below for the latest update on the iPhone app. iPhone app update. Once again it's bad news, good news and waiting for news on the challenge of getting the iPhone app approved. They did accept our appeal and re-looked at the app. They once again had us make some wording changes and it was resubmitted. But once again they came back with a rejection on what I thought was some really minor issues. However, we are addressing these minor issues (picture quality of the welcome screen and calculator size for the iPad version). The programmer is still working on the changes to the size of the calculators (should be done this week). And once again we will be submitting it for approval (hopefully for the very last time). So everyone keep your fingers crossed that the app could be in the store early February. Forum Update The forum has been up and running now for about a month. As with anything new, it takes awhile to get off the ground. Unfortunately there have been the typical spammers sign up (but I'm cleaning it up as I see them). The forum needs to have real folks (not spammers) to help get the conversations going. I would love to have a handful of volunteers that are outgoing and ready to share some recipes, tips and more. If you are willing to help get the conversations going, and have information to share, please go to the link below and register today. Even if it's to share just one recipe, introduce yourself, join one of the weight loss support groups or to talk about your progress so far this year, I would love to hear from you on the forum. Thanks
You've taken down the holiday decorations, put away the tree for another 11 months and have started out this year with a few resolutions. The beginning of the year always brings a fresh start and a new resolve. Help keep your resolution and your “new” beginning by throwing out the “old”. Clear the Cupboards You may have put up the holiday tree in storage, but are you still hanging on to some of those holiday treats? The time is now to clean out the cupboards, fridge and pantry. Get rid of the cookies, candies and other tasty, yet tempting, goodies that may have you going back to old snacking habits. Out of site, out of mind can be a powerful tool in helping you reach your weight loss goals. Give it Away Often we hang on to things that we no longer need. This is very true of the clothes in our closet as well. How many of you have dropped a dress size or two, yet you still have those bigger sizes hanging in your closet. Yes you spent money on them and it seems like a waste to give them away, but in reality, hanging onto these bigger sized clothes is just giving you an “okay” to gain some weight back. If they are there in your closet, then in the back of your mind you may say “it's okay if I gain a few pounds, I have the clothes”. The mind is a powerful thing, so send a message to your mind that it's not okay to gain weight. Go through your closet and pack a box up for Goodwill and get rid of the bigger clothes. This helps reinforce you and your mind that you won't gain any weight back. Bye, Bye Bad Habits With the holidays we get so busy that we tend to break away from our healthy routines. As we do this, we can develop new and not so good habits. Eating out while on the run (and ordering a large fry instead of a yogurt) is one example. Skipping the morning workout or making a large breakfast with a lot of carbs and fatty meats, may be another habit you started while the kids were off of school on holiday. Well time to start back with the good habits you once learned and followed. It's time to start each day off with a healthy breakfast, walking for lunch and minimizing the snacks. So say bye, bye to the old habits and start losing weight with the good habits.
Here's some tips on eating healthy for this new year. Exercise Tip If you are like me, my main source of exercise during the holidays was shopping, decorating, wrapping presents and slaving away in the kitchen (making those not so healthy holiday snacks). So getting back to a workout for this month has been a bit of a struggle. As you get back to your workout routine, it may be time to take a look at your workout gear. If you walk, jog, run or perform any impact exercises, now's the time to take a look at your shoes. If it's been awhile since you bought some new shoes, then out with the old and in with the new. A new pair of shoes can help minimize injury, support your joints and help you perform at your best while exercising. This goes for your clothing as well. If they no longer fit properly, then this could cause chaffing and irritation to the skin. So treat yourself to some new workout gear and get moving.
Here are some workout routines to get you moving this new year. Monthly Recipes Lime-Jalapeno Chicken This tender and slightly spicy chicken recipe can be used for a chicken wrap sandwich, a burrito, a salad or as your main dish with your favorite sides. What You Need:
How to Make It:
Number of Servings: 8 Nutrition Information Per Serving Calories 71; Tot Fat 2(g); Sat Fat 0(g); Fiber 0(g); Protein 11(g); Carbs 1(g); Sodium 46(mg) Org Pts 2; Pts Plus 2 Put the chicken in a whole wheat tortilla with some black beans, a bit of salsa, some lettuce and tomatoes for a tasty chicken burrito or wrap or add to a salad to spice up the taste.
If you prefer tuna over chicken, try these healthy tuna recipes. Until next month, remember to eat healthy and keep exercising. These are the 2 keys to losing weight and feeling great.
Exercise 4 Weight Loss 2 Achieve Fitness and Health From your Diet Buddy Julie |
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